Thursday, July 21, 2011

Opening Ceremonies

Monday night were the Gothia Cup opening ceremonies. These were similar to the Olympic opening ceremonies, on a smaller scale. It was complete with a parade of nations, singing, dance routines, and other "things" that are hard to describe (also like the Olympic opening ceremonies. It was held in a huge stadium that was filled with players, coaches, parents, and others. Before going inside our girls were interviewed by Gothia Cup TV. Inside the Women's World Cup team from Sweden was there which I guess is a big deal but they were 3rd place - it's not like they made it to the finals or anything.... We were sitting behind a Swedish boys team that I almost had to punch in the face after a couple of their boys grabbed our flag and tried to throw it on the ground. Behind us was a Portuguese boys team who were all very nice. So if you start noticing your daughters are Facebook friends with boys with Portuguese sounding names - this would be why. After the ceremonies we waited for the crowds to thin out while the girls exchanged Facebook information and took photos with the Portuguese team.

1 comment:

  1. Omg Cathy, I would have held them while you punched if i had been there! Sounds like a great evening overall!
