Friday, July 22, 2011

I Am Now Caught Up...

It feels good to finally have caught up on the BLOG. There are no more photos to post as of this writing. Friday has been a "kick back" day since we didn't have a game scheduled. Some of the girls played the boys from Venezuela - in the rain - this morning. There was a shopping trip and a couple trips to the store but other than that most of us are laying low. First due to the rain this morning and second we're just tired. I think we're ready to come home. We have all been talking that if we knew then what we know now we might have rearranged the trip a bit. In reality that was not possible due to the schedule of our German host families, dates of the Gothia Cup, and the fact that many of our girls return to school just two weeks after we return home. Mariah and I have agreed that Sweden has IKEA and Volvo but we're not sure what else....... We've had some laundry problems. The Gothia Cup website makes it appear that there is a laundry service and/or do-it-yourself laundry facilities available. After hauling our laundry around, finally scheduling an appointment (which we found out was requried), we arrived to find out they would only do "match clothes." This meant jerseys, shorts, and socks - no warm-ups, sliders, etc. When I asked about a do-it-yourself place to wash other clothes (most of us needed a few things to make it through the week), I was curtly told that there were no such places as "everyone in Sweden owns a washer and dryer." WELL, la-ti-da. Not wanting to go to Swedish jail (though the bed and food situation may be similar), I just turned and walked away. We washed a few things out in the sink at our school, bought a t-shirt or two and are just looking forward to being back in the U.S.A. where we can have access to our washers and dryers!

1 comment:

  1. I never knew the Swedes were so hoity-toity!! It'll be great to have you all home :)
