Thursday, July 21, 2011

Arriving in Gothenburg, Sweden

Upon arriving at the airport the girls were a little surprised when we walked down the stairs from the plane onto the tarmack (which we had done when we boarded also) - much like it was at Ontario before the new terminal was built. We then went into little metal buildings that serve as the Gothenburg airport. Ivan said that it reminded him of the airport in Alaska. We were all happy that we were picked up by tournament staff and did not have to drag our luggage all across town searching for our accomodations.

For those of you that don't know, while in Gothenburg we, like most other teams, stay in a local school. The chairs and desks have been cleared away to make room for beds of some sort. Depending on what you pay, you get a little blow up mattress (they look 1" off the ground), a cot or an IKEA-like cot/fouton thingy. We got the most expensive and it is still a far cry from comfortable. I wake up every time I roll over for fear I'll fall off. Yet, it's better than the floor so I am not complaining too loudly. Before you knew it, we were settling into our new "home."

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