Not sure if you've figured out the times I have been posting but it's getting later and later and we are getting up early every day. The days have been filled with fun and there is lots to share but my time online is limited right now and Ivan and I have started falling asleep at meals and such so we figure we should get to bed before 1am if we can. So - I will post some photos of today (Sat) with a promise to catch up soon.
First we traveled by bus to the Mudflats at the North Sea. When you first hear about it you're like "What?!?" but it was very interesting and the girls had fun. It was a lot of walking for some but we made it. There was some rain so you can see Ivan with his snazzy umbrealla (OK, it's Hannah's). At one point the mud came up to their knees and it "ate" Christina's socks when she finally got out of it. Ivan and I were betting on who would fall in and what do you know... it was Casey.
I want to hear more about this mudflats. Sounds really interesting and really icky at the same time.